Saturday, June 19, 2010

L. L. Bean Tote

I think what this translates into for an international audience is “large, basic, structured tote”. The kind you put your groceries in. The type some people use as nappy bags. I got a freebie one with a Harpers' Bazaar mag, once, and it gets used every so often, any time I need to carry something of a certain size.

However, I don't think of it specifically as a fashion must-have, although it beats the hell out of those ubiquitous nasty green boxy supermarket bags. Some sort of handy shopping bag is needed, certainly.

The utility bag I'm currently finding indispensable is the Envirosax ( or ).

I keep one rolled up in my handbag organiser so I always have a tote with me for unexpected loads or purchases. They weigh nothing, are very compact, look great (I'm particularly liking the Japanese-inspired prints, but how many of these bags do I really need?), are washable, are strong, and large enough to go over my shoulder. And they're pretty :-)


  1. Is the Country Road canvas tote the equivalent of the LL Bean tote, do you think? Much beloved of girls who popped their chambray shirt collars, when I was a teenager.

    I also love the envirosax bags. I have this one

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You're right, Foody, the Country Road canvas tote is probably our equivalent, although it's been through several incarnations, and is probably a bit more robust! They can still be seen shopping, inflight, on holidays, down the beach, on the road, at uni, everywhere. The collars are no longer turned up, and the hair isn't as big, but the totes are still going strong.
