Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I try to like fishnets, but somehow I’m not yet convinced. I love that they’re strong both physically and stylishly. But, maybe I’m not finding them warm enough and or not quite “neat” enough for me. Maybe my legs are too chunky? Maybe they just take some getting used to? Maybe I should try layering them? Am I worried they’re too slutty and random people will start trying to shove money down my front? Am I worried that my legs are too hairy and will look like weasels caught in nets? Am I convinced that no matter what I do, Tim Curry will always look better in them than I ever can? Am I concerned that they’ll get snagged on something and I’ll end up unravelling somehow and leave a taut, telltale thread behind me in the CBD?

Nina lists them as part of her One Hundred because a hint of fishnet danger is OK, but a full leg of it is “tawdry”. Google “fishnets” and you’ll get a mixed bag of angling and porn sites. Not very encouraging associations. I guess it’s a bit like Animal Print – there are ways to do it right. Nina suggests trying nude fishnet, and always going for fine meshes.

They’re not yet part of my One Hundred, but perhaps they could be! I guess I’ll know after next winter.


  1. I love a fishnet! Fishnet knee highs under trousers are a good way to start.

  2. I will do my best this winter to give them a thorough go, Foody :-)
