Thursday, March 11, 2010


I have a love-hate relationship with gloves. As you might have guessed, I like my clothing not just to fit, but be fit for purpose. Gloves are meant to protect your fingers and hands, but I get easily frustrated with them when they get in the way of finding my keys, swiping my bus pass, or applying my lip balm. I also can’t write or type very well with them on, and I certainly can’t operate my mobile phone while wearing them.

Fingerless gloves would seem to be the way to go then, but the tips of the fingers are the most vulnerable to cold, so to me it kind of defeats the purpose. The only fingerless gloves I’ve seen which look good are the sort which cover the entire forearm, sometimes extending past the elbows. They’re kind of funky, and definitely fun, stopping where they should continue and continuing where they should stop.

Fine leather gloves? Still not fine enough.

Polyproplylene gloves, like those which can line skiing gloves? Yes, these are OK, and even have a little grip, but they snag like crazy on just about everything, including nails. They’re definitely more inner wear than outer wear.

Knitted wool gloves are certainly too thick. Mittens are warm and easy to remove quickly, but score -10000 for manual dexterity.

I love gloves, but hate how clumsy they make me. They are why I like pockets in just about everything! Pockets can hold everything from lip balms to ticket stubs to hands.

Gloves – yes, OK. Pockets – essential.

1 comment:

  1. What about the fingerless gloves with the mitten flap that buttons back? They are very cute and also practical.
